
I tend to forget my sourdough recipes; so I decided to not only note them down but also to put them on the net.

Friday 27 July 2012

Rye Bread with sesame seeds (Rye Base)

[Panasonic SD-255, programme "French" = 6h]

500 gr. rye sourdough base
250 gr. Doves Farm Rye Flour
2 teaspoons salt
250 ml water

Buckwheat & Wheat Bread, with mixed seeds (Rye Base)

[Panasonic SD-255, programme "French" = 6h]

250 gr. rye sourdough base
167 gr. Allinson Country Grain Bread Flour
333 gr. Doves Farm Buckwheat Flour
2 teaspoons salt
250 ml water